Sophie Lascelles
Akemi Part2  2007
16mm film loop, work in progress
Akemi part2
Akemi part2
Akemi part2
Akemi part2
Akemi part2
Lascelles works with 16 mm film to explore projection and space and how we relate/interact with it, using film loops as a spatial media to describe our experience, to consider time and memory. She is interested in the connection between physical reality and filmic reality and try to occupy a place between fact and fiction, pervaded by a sense of elusiveness, a search for something that exists as much in the imagination as anywhere else. She has been developing a collaborative piece with the Japanese actress and circus performer Akemi Yamauchi, resulting in a series of 16 mm film. Her refers to a background in travelling theatre, an autobiographic note that slips into her films, suggesting a past she cannot lose.

Lascelles says "I met Akemi in the theatre, a formidable performer, an expert silk aerialist, and asked if I could film her, trying to define what attracted me to her. The self she presents to me is formal, precise; I project these manifestations on the wall, the thoughts I create around her and the different states of her performance."