Sense & Nonsense
12 September to 26 October 2003
Jean-Philippe Defaut Las Vegas 2001
Orla Barry David Bate Marianne Berenhaut Marcel Broodthaers Glauce Cerveira Gordon Cheung Sandra Cross Jean-Philippe Defaut Els Dietvorst William English Aldous Eveleigh Oona Grimes John Guest Ian Hamilton Finlay Nicky Hodge Christian Israel Hywel Wyn Jones Barry Kemp John Roger King David Lamelas Leo Laura Malacart Herman Martin David McKeran Andrea Merciar Susan Morris Perry Roberts David Robilliard Guy Rombouts Rombouts & Droste Kevin Rowe Gerry Smith Walter Swennen Jack Vandermissen Angel Vergara Bernard Villers
Sense & Nonsense is an adventure in which Belgian art and artists provide the inspiration. The exhibition hopes to explore the mischievous nature of Belgian art through the collision of different languages: primarily the language of the picture with the language of words. British artists have been invited to appear alongside their Belgian neighbours to generate a dialogue of shared ideas and fortuitous encounters.
The exhibition is curated by Gerry Smith.
With thanks to the Arts Council Collection, Hayward Gallery, London; Galerie Annie Gentils, Antwerp; Michael Novy and Maria Gilissen, Brussels.