Oona Grimes
Curriculum vitae
Lives and works in London
1986-88    Slade School of Fine Art. Higher Diploma
1982-86    Norwich School of Art. Fine Art BA Hons
Oona Grimes is currently Visiting Lecturer at Ruskin School of Fine Art - Oxford University, University of the Arts and at the Royal College of Art, London. 

2023 Elected as a Royal Academician
2022 Bryan Robertson Award
2018 Bridget Riley Fellow : British School at Rome

Selected Exhibitions
Mostyn Open 21, Mostyn, Llandudno, Wales
Creekside Open, APT Gallery, London
Hail the new Etruscan #4, Danielle Arnaud, Venice
1d for Abroad, Tintype Gallery, London
Hail the new Etruscan #3, The Bower, London
Hail the new Etruscan #2, Matt's Gallery, London
Hail the new Etruscan #1, Danielle Arnaud, London
Swedenborg Film Festival, Swedenborg House, London
Impronte Romane, Nuove Direzioni nella stampa, Temple Gallery, Rome
British School at Rome Mostra, March and June 2018
Fully Awake, Glasgow, curated by Ian Hartshorne and Sean Kaye
A Bird in the Head, Danielle Arnaud, London, curated by Sarah Woodfine and Danielle Arnaud
The Arca Project, PayneShurvell, Suffolk, curated by Michael Hall
Bookmare #2 of average sunlight, Kingsgate Project Space, London, curated by Finlay Taylor
Tall Tales, Freud Museum, London
VOLTA NY, booth B13, Danielle Arnaud, London
London Art Fair, booth 1, Danielle Arnaud, London
Stop Bugging Me : frame 2, Tintype, London
Bread & Jam, curated by Paul Carey-Kent, Whitbread Road, London
Delta, Five Years, London
Abstract Apartment Deborah House, London
Impact, Hangzhou, China
PIGDOGANDMONKEYFESTOS, AirSpace Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent
against Nature, Camberwell Sace, London
When is now, Five Years, London
War Rooms, Danielle Arnaud, London
Afternoon of Tea, WW Gallery, Venice Biennale Colatteral Event, Venice, Italy
So that I may come back, Danielle Arnaud, London
Framing Identity, Tatton Park Biennial, Tatton Park
Rose-Red Empire, Danielle Arnaud, London
Hidden Narratives, Graves Art Gallery, Sheffield
Conversations with Angels (Solo exhibition), Danielle Arnaud contemporary art, London
Bounty-A Case of Preposterous Optimism, APT Gallery, London
Artfutures, Bloomberg, London
Grotto, 1:1 London
Outdoors, Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art, London
Peche a la Ligne, Brittany*
Keeping Up Appearances, London College of Communication
Jerwood Drawing Prize*
Uncanny Tales, Touring (2005-07)
Babylon Gallery:Ely 2007; Rugby Art Gallery; Ferens Art Gallery-Hull; Black Swan-Frome; Jersey Arts Centre 2006;
Cultural Centre-Ypres Belgium; Scarborough Art Gallery; Glynn Vivian-Swansea; Wrexham Art Centre 2005;
De Buytensael Arnhem Holland 2003
Hibrida 11, Cartwright Hall Art Gallery, Bradford Gallery / Brno Gallery, Czech Rebublic
APT Open, APT Gallery, London
Artfutures, Bloomberg, London
Love Story, Danielle Arnaud contemporary art, London
Sense & Nonsense, Danielle Arnaud contemporary art, London
Acts of Faith and Generosity, Gresol, Spain
Exhumed, Museum of Garden History, London*
Gobal Priority, New York, USA
Jerwood Drawing Prize*
Contemporory British Prints, Helen Copland Gallery, Montana, USA
Old Candy, London Centre for Psychotherapy (Solo Exhibition)
A Month in the Garden, Museum Of Garden History, London
Hole, London Print Studio (Solo Exhibition)
Sexy, Houldsworth Fine Art, London
Drawings From The Cutting Room Floor, Danielle Arnaud contemporary art, London (Solo Exhibition)
Amadora Bienale, Portugal
Sight/Insight, New York Public Library
No Day Without A Line, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Contemporary Prints, Harriet Green@Highgate Gallery
Mixed Messages, The Gallery, Institute of Child Health
The Contemporary Print Show, Barbican Concourse
Home 1, Flodden Road London
British Prints, George Sherman Union Gallery, Boston
Agart World Print Festival, Ljublijana
Atelier 2221, New Work Solo Show, New Deli (Solo Exhibition)
AGB Surface @ Snap, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
The End of the Beginning, Redfern Gallery, London
National Print Exhibition, Mall Galleries
The Power of the Print, Bankside Gallery
5th Bienale Wakayanna, Osaka, Japan
Poke, Eagle Gallery, London solo
AGB; Plus, Hardware Gallery, Canterbury Royal Museum
International Print Trienale, Krakow, Poland
Innovations & Transformations, City Museum & Mappin Art Gallery, Sheffield
12 London Group Artists, Bedford Hill Gallery
Making an Impression, Pitshanger Manor and Gallery
Artists’ Choice 2, Winchester Contemporary Art
Barbican Centre Foyer Gallery, London
Connaught Brown, Affordable Art
Angels of Georges Braque, Curwen Gallery
Contemporary Art Society Market
The London Artists’ Book Fair, Royal Festival Hall, Eagle Gallery
AGB, Latuijas-Arzemjo, Maklas Muzejs, Riga, Latvia
Contemporary Printmakers’, Lawrence Graham
Harriet Green Gallery, Look Lively Part 1
Contemporary British Graphic Fine Artists, The Bracknell Gallery
Art ‘96, Clive Jennings Gallery
Connaught Brown, Affordable Art
The 10th Tallinn Graphic Triennial, Estonia
National Open Print Exhibition, Whiteley’s Gallery, London (Prizewinner)
The 20th Century British Art Fair, Royal College of Art
Small Bones Dance Co. Design and collaboration ‘A Heart Unbound’ Touring (1995-96)
Artists at Work, De Montfort University
Print ’95, Ruskin School of Fine Art, Oxford
Las Chicas/Vision Network Complex, Tokyo
30 Years of the PMC, Durham Art Gallery
Red Ribbon Art Show
Journeys, Canalot Studios, London
Salon des Graphiques, Curwen Gallery (Prizewinner)
National Print Exhibition, Mall Galleries
International Print Trienale , Krakow, Poland
The London Artists’ Book Fair, Royal Festival Hall, Eagle Gallery
Works on Paper, Morley Gallery
Drawing, A Survey, Slade School of Art, UCL
The London Group at The London Institute
Cruelest Month, The Craft & Design Gallery, City Art Gallery, Leeds
Artists for Nuclear Disarmament
National Open Print Competitions, Scarborough
Re:Fresh, Clive Jennings Gallery
The Hunting/Observer Exhibition Art Prizes, Royal College of Art, London, Glasgow Art Gallery & Museum
International Print Trienale ’94, Krakow, Poland
Salon des Graphiques, Curwen Gallery (Prizewinner)
International Print Biennale ’93, Varna, Bulgaria
The London Group, Barbican Concourse (Prizewinner)
Coram Gallery Christmas Exhibition
Sapporo International Print Biennale #2, Japan
The September Show, Whiteley’s
First International Print Biennale, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Bradford Open Print Exhibition
Surface Tension, Hunt Jennings Gallery
Four of a Different Kind, King of Hearts Gallery, Norwich
Contemporary Paintings and Prints, Barbican Centre
A-Z Printmaking, Ikon Gallery & Worcester Art Gallery
Slade Print Exhibition, London Print Workshop
Hunting Observer Prizes, Mall Galleries & Victoria Galleries, Bath
Making a Print, Hampshire County Museums on Tour (1992/93)
Salon des Graphiques, Curwen Gallery (Prizewinner)
Christmas Print Festival, Hunt Jennings Gallery
The London Group, Barbican Concourse
Slaughterhouse Gallery
Macau Printmaking 1992 International Exhibition (Prizewinner)
Portugese Print Biennale
See the Prints, The National Theatre, South Bank
The Eastern Open
Royal Society of Etchers and Engravers Open Exhibition ’92 (prizewinner).
Salon des Graphiques, Curwen Gallery (Prizewinner)
Artists for Nuclear Disarmament
A Change of Image, 5th Humberside Printmaking Competition
The New English Art Club
Prints in Macau
Prints in Hawaii
Royal Society of Etchers and Engravers Open Exhibition ’91
Stonewall Benefit, ICA London
Phoenix Gallery Print Show
Inside Views, Oakham Museum
Artists in the Fine Art Dept, Norwich Gallery
The London Group, Barbican Concourse
Royal Society of Etchers and Engravers Open Exhibition ’90 (prizewinner)
One Person Show, NIAD
Art in Context, Leicester Kimberlin Gallery
British Council prints in Pakistan (1988/89)
Slade in the North
Bath International Festival - Contemporary Art Fair
New Prints from Norwich, Bloomsbury Gallery
Three Person Show, The New Academy Gallery
Themes and Variations, The New Academy Gallery
Open to Print Exhibition - On Tour
Miniature Prints Exhibition, The new Academy Gallery
Summer Exhibition The New Academy Gallery
Royal Society of Etchers and Engravers Open Exhibition ’88
Whatman’s Printmaking Exhibition
Commissioned set designs and dance collaborations with Small Bones Dance Company
A Heart Undone Touring 95-96, Mirror Touring 96-97
* denotes catalogue
Peche a la Ligne, catalogue edited by Karine Pradier, published by Artevista
In the Wake of Dead Dad, by Andrew Kotting published by University College for the Creative Arts (Publication Book)
The Drawing Book, by Sarah Simblet published by Dorling & Kindersley (Book Publication)
Jerwood Prize catalogue
Some Mild Peril, assembled & edited by Nick Jordan published by Castlefield Gallery (Book Publication)
Exfumed, catalogue edited by Jordan Kaplan published by Parabola
Jerwood Prize catalogue
Bridget Riley Fellowship, British School at Rome 2018
Birgit Skiold Memorial Award 2004
Lowick House Residency 1997
Rothenstein Trophy 1995
Mel Gordon Memorial Prize 1993
T. N. Lawrence Prize 1993
Macau Gravura 1992 First prize
The Whatman Paper Award 1992
Clarendon-Hope (Sufferance) Award 1990
Marks & Spencer Fine Art Prize 1990
Boise Travel Scholarship 1988
Henrique Scholarship 1987
Public Collections
New York Public Library, USA
Manchester Metropolitan
Victoria & Albert Museum, London
University College London Strang Collection
The Governing Body of Macau
Lineker College Oxford University